Monday, April 2, 2007

Wrestlemania 23

Last night I was really tempted to phone sky box office and order Wrestlemania 23, actually I would have ordered it if my funds would have allowed it. I've not watched wrestling in ages but it was on sky sports the other day and I happened to catch a preview. Undertaker is one of the headliners for the event and it was showing some of his classic footage, the guy is 14 - 0 in wrestlemania bouts, and all the magic came flooding back.

It was vintage Undertaker, the stuff that used to make my little brother leave the room whenever he heard that bell chime.

I think this years Wrestlemania was quite special as Wrestlemanias of late go. I hadn't seen so much advertising and promotion for a wrestling event since I stopped following it plus Donald Trump was mixing it with Vince McMahon in the run up so it had to be something.

But saying that, watching some of the 'road to wrestlemania' shows reminded me why I stopped watching it in the first place; apart from growing up its lost all its magic. The crazy costumes are gone instead they're just wearing pants and the ladies are hardly wearing anything; there's too much talking outside the ring and too many belts; there's no more average guys you can relate to, all the wrestlers look like steroid junkies now; and there's no more epic moments...

And before Take That and the Spice Girls parted company there was one split in the wrestling world that broke more young hearts than anything else...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahaha I can just imagine the lil Kwams fleaing the room at the sound of the bell chimes!! LMAO