Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Timbaland v Scott Storch

Rap beef has spilled out of the booth and behind the mixing desk. The hottest producers of the moment Timbaland and Scott Storch have traded punches on wax.

Timbo's new track 'give it to me' feat. Nelly Furtado & Justin Timberlake is directed at Scott.

The word is that Timbo's comin at Scott, Nelly at Fergie and JT at Usher.

Scott has already recorded his response 'Built Like Dat' ft Nox CLICK TO LISTEN

What team would you back?

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Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Timbaland is a master or rather a pioneer in the game Storch is like industry standard there is no comparison the only thing that Storch has over Timbo is Usher but to be real a white Usher is always going to be more successful than a black hence Timbo wins again! As for the ex crack head lead singer of the black eyed peas up against the enigma of Nelly.F people please be real!!!!

Anonymous said...

storch is fuuugly!! its soo true god does not give beatui n brainz all @ da same time!! n i completely agree wiv "truth"! x

Anonymous said...

All i can say is this video is reall sad...i mean the video aint even funny! Just goes to show that the trio are deeply affected by the beef and got together to release it. not on a mixtape, but on a ALBUM.... and then give it a video as the debut song from the album !!!!! does it get any sadderrrrr
but all that aside im backing timbo, JT n Nelly