'A girl like me' by Kiri Davis
'A girl like me' is a documentary made by a 16-year-old film student which explores the standards of beauty imposed on today's black girls. In the documentary she carries out a test originally done in the 50s to help the case for de-segregation. Watch the alarming results...
Didn't have time to watch the whole piece so I might change my view once I've done that but thought I'd just throw this up for now! Of course this was not the aim of maybe it is some sort or subversive ploy but the whole issue I feel is not help by the fact that the dread "light skinned" girl is so stunning in comparison to the rest of the young ladies in the piece!1
I was very surprised by the contents of this documentary because it dealt with a few interesting issues. I have to commend the young girl (16) that produced it. MUCH PROPS!!!
I must also point out that the previous comment was quite stupid and inappropriate considering that there are more pressing issues within the piece. However I’m willing to
overlook this slight misdemeanour because YOU didn't watch the whole piece. Next time, hold your comment until you are well informed.
Ok, I’ve cleared my throat. I will start by addressing the basic issue of beauty.... it’s in the eye of the beholder. All the girls were pretty. For me Stephanie (unprocessed hair) and Kahidra (Locks) stood out the most. They look completely different and irrespective of their skin tone, they are both beautiful!! So for all you peeps that judge on the lightness of skin, STOP IT! Physical beauty only goes so far, it’s what’s inside that counts. Cliché? I Know but it’s the truth.
The Most important and poignant part of this docu was the dolly clips. I was sad to see a young girl point to the darker toned dolly and say that it looked like her even though she perceived it as being bad. To me, this confirms that there is a serious problem within the black community. And, it is symptomatic of all the problems that we face of a daily basis. WE have NO SELF WORTH!! That’s why SOME black girls are BITCHY towards each other and SOME Black boys kill themselves. And we wonder why other communities have no respect for us. Or why we are under-achievers. We don’t get good jobs. Have no money. Encounter racism. BLAH BLAH BLAH…
I could go on and on, but enough said. Think about it.
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