Saturday, January 6, 2007

There are much bigger issues in the world I know but…

My researcher (really my little cousin) came up with some stunners for the new year which I couldn’t overlook. You try overlooking this.

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Tyra Banks looking like a happy meal really does make her happy. But hey she’s been successful of late and nothing shows success like that ‘getting money fat’. She’s gonna need a larger money belt for that waist though.

Word is the new series of America’s Next Top Model has been put on hold until she gets back to this…
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This one’s for the Beyonce haters… you know who you are…

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I don’t claim to be an expert on either women or hair but I’m sure it wasn’t meant to look like that. My stylist (the same little cousin) tried to explain what was happening to the side of her face but I still don’t get it. I do know it’s something to do with glue and weave and sounds like a task for MacGyver.

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And Lil’ Kim is reportedly demanding nearly $1 million to appear on Big Brother. The original sum offered to her was $500,000 and she is now considering an increased offer of $800,000. The Sun has also claimed that she made a list of diva demands including having a personal assistant with her in the house and a make-up stylist on standby. I’m sure the later would be considered if the program was shown before the watershed, so as not to scare the kids.

Don't say I never do anything for the ladies...

Get @ me!

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